Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Challenger 4x4 on Land Rover World Magazine

BIG thanks to Land Rover World Magazine for the coverage of Challenger 4x4 on the Spanish/Portuguese Rainforest Challenge 2012.

We finished third, after a hard fought battle with other great teams from Portugal, Spain and UK. It was a very tough event, with high temperatures, lots of dust and... Super Bock!

Also on the same magazine the event report on the last round (Round 6) of AWDC Challenger 4x4 Challenge Series.

You can read it all on February's issue of Land Rover World Magazine.
Challenger 4x4 on Land Rover World Magazine
Challenger 4x4 on Land Rover World Magazine
Challenger 4x4 on Land Rover World Magazine

Monday, 14 January 2013

Roll Cages and Roll Bars for Land Rovers

Few accessories are as important in an off-road going Land Rover as a roll-cage or, at least, a roll-bar.

When off-roading, a roll over is always a risk. Be it in an expedition, a competition or just a Saturday greenlane or pay and play day, nothing protects you better than a proper roll-cage. Land Rovers in particular, are infamous for not being the safest vehicles to be in in case of a roll over.

There are multiple choices when fitting a roll-cage, internal or external, just the hoop around the front seats to a full vehicle cage. At Challenger 4x4 we build them almost daily, for all kinds of Land Rovers, for all kinds of uses. We use the best quality steel, electronic precision equipment and qualified welders to manufacture your roll-cage.

Our competition experience will ensure that, no matter the design you choose, you and your family will be safe inside your vehicle.

And not just safe, our roll cages look awesome! The end result will always amazes our costumers.

Visit us at Stadium World, Oxenden Road, Tongham, Surrey, GU10 1AJ, call us at 01252 325930 or email us at